Wrecked Machines Wreck the Chords

His music is still full of passion and as fresh as ever, but in the CD he seems to have outdone himself once again. Not only because he has teamed up with some of the world's greatest psychedelic trance artists, making some great music along the way. Every track is carefully selected punching you in the stomach like a fist, leaving you breathless and making you trance.
Gabe is all about rhythm. Even when he was crafting his first tracks with a pair of small Bose speakers in his room in Sao Paolo he could produce an unbeatable rhythm that always bears a psytechno-trance edge to it. You can hear Gabriel's rhythm throughout this compilation, pounding away like a heartbeat.
From the techno beating Face It with Pixel, the phenomenal My House and Beckers Switch rmx by Growling Machines (collaboration of the year) to the powerful Simulated rmx on Domestic this album is full of energy.
There are too many great tracks to mention them all, but Headhunter produced by Wizzy Noise, Joti and Paul Taylor and the GMS rmx of the classic Hallucinogen's Gama Goblins are the biggest suprises.
Hey, we might be biased though, so go and try this yourself.
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(Thank you for the hospitality Gabe and Pavlos says hi)
O Gabriel é o melhor produtor de músicas eletrônicas que já ví...tudo que róla, vira hit...é mesmo impressionante a capacidade de escolher frases e palavras digitalizadas, que logo se tornam verdadeiro hinos nas festinhas.
Parabéns, Gabe!!!!!
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