Thank you for reading

We had a look at the website stats and were amazed to see over 6,000 people from 115 countries reading the news and reviews every month. So we felt like saying a big THANK YOU to all of you that read and comment and keep coming back for more.
We would love to hear from you about what you want to read more about or anything else that you like or dislike about this blog.

Hope that you are having as much fun reading as we do writing.
Love and light
PsyTrance Music
The PsyTrance music blog is all about publicising the music and not ourselves, hence the lack of names or personal profiles. We hope that you don’t mind the ads. We make enough for a new original CD every month so it all goes back to the music.
thank you~ for including me within it :)
Thanks webgrrl,
hope to see some of your great photos here one day!
Your blog ROCKS! and so does Psytrance!!! Cheers from Brazil!!!
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