Super Xenobilogy Tokyo Vibes

Sido Moral kicks off with Midi Walker, a hypnotic trance induction.
Then a suprising collaboration sees Joti and GMS teaming up to produce wild psytrance stormer One Of No Name. Fresh production and trance power that will be played a lot.
Syrus Virus lightens things up with the Soundtrack Of Your Life. Some great soft fx combined with an uplifting percussion and bass line make this a morning must.
Wizzy Noise are back with Cranial Ping a balance of their dark and their cheerful side.
Dado kicks off with a confusing retro tune titled Spun Test. The melody attempt here sounds a little fluffy and outdated but might also appeal to some.
Eskimo vs Vlado introduce the appropriately named 2005. Happy mood with some cheeky fx.
Dynamic vs Sigma production 2Picks has an acid techno aura with a melody travels back a few years with a nostalgia that moves you.
Cycle Sphere contribute Dangers Speed. This sound can go either way for you.
The best track in the compilation is Magnetic Field by Sigma. Imposing beat, strong leads and big epic melodies dominate. The robotic voice sample adds to the atmosphere. Takes the past into the future with a unique tone and attitude.
The last track Tapasia from Hiras Hiroshi doesn't rest with strong eastern lead melodies and full percussion.
Overall a pretty interesting listen, with some tracks that will rock the dancefloor and reck a couple of home stereos. Enjoy.
I wont comment about this post, cause i didnt read it, but i wanna say that this blog is aweseome, first time here and i found it really really awesome.
Nice work guys.
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