01 January 2011

Psychedelic Trance in 2011

Following the aftermath of last year's releases and parties, New Year celebrations bring us to yet another exciting year for psytrance music, 2011. Whilst style evolved all last year, one of the most prevalent characteristics of 2010 was the re-introduction of older styles across the spectrum. This retrospective music activity covered all areas, sometimes with an original streak and others as a pure imitation.

2011 is bound to be musically more adventurous but we will also expect older trance music trends to come back stronger, more mature, with better productions, challenging those that have progressed and those that have outgrown our beloved spiritual dance music.

One thing is for sure, change is what keeps things moving. Trance music is nearing adulthood and the styles will have to keep evolving to retain and increase the fan base across the world. Not from a commercial perspective, but for psy to survive and to prosper.

Have a great 2011, wherever you are.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

love psytrance... keep the beat alive!


8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ea ea super chidoo

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

psy killer ya

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TipRecords agrees with tis article. The old school sounds are inspiring right now. Its good sometimes to go back to go forward. 2011 is gonna rock. The vibe is high. The music sounding great.

12:23 PM  

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